Our clinic is looking forward to helping you with your chiropractic needs!
Dr. Stephanie Tolonen, Dr. Brandy Careri, and Dr. Delaney Gettel provide care for many complaints, including those related to auto injury, sports injury, pregnancy, and of course general chiropractic care.
Your spinal health is important to us, and we are ready to help.
We are located behind 808 Cheesecake, The Gladstone Card Room, and Vogie’s in the downtown area of Gladstone.
If you have questions, you can contact us at 503-655-2897. Our chiropractic clinic is currently open Monday through Friday. Please leave a message if we miss you – the voicemail is always on!
Patients have reported GPS has taken them to the incorrect address, on Dartmouth instead of Clarendon. We are on the same block as Ray’s Market, just south.
We moved from Oregon City in July 2022!
Our address is 130 W Clarendon Street. Gladstone, OR 97027.
You may also contact us through email, using the form below.